April 13, 2022 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
7:00 PM Wednesday April 13th, 2022
The Barrel Room at Third Place by Half Full Brewery
(575 Pacific Street. Stamford, CT 06902)
Light Refreshments provided.
Stamford Literature, Arts & Culture Salon (SLACS)
Building Community & Enriching Lives Through Creative Pursuits.
Chef Paul Gerard is a lifelong chef, poet, musician, radio host, father, a recovered addict and the star of his forthcoming show Hungry for More. He climbed the ranks of the crazy “Kitchen Confidential” culinary world of New York, eventually running multi-million-dollar kitchens. Gerard worked for with many acclaimed chefs and was Exec Chef for NY institutions such as China Grill. Soho House. Soho Grand and Sweetwater. He worked with Anthony Bourdain and Tom Colicchio on a production called Work the Line, hosted Heritage Radio’s show Eating Disorder-an irreverent and hilarious look at the culinary world, and is working on his cookbook and memoir. As one of the creative designers/co founders of Ethyl’s Alcohol & Food, Exchange Alley and Antique Bar & Bakery, Gerard fuses his love of artistry and creativity with cuisine by creating highly-innovative restaurants & bars.